Sunday, June 29, 2008

individual thoughts and nation

thoughts of a nation often flow in thousand streams. thoughts does not include what the policy makers are thinking , but also individuals ... what you are thinking about you, nation and individuals..

for a multiracial nation like america , individual thoughts of each ethnic identity is separate, has their own emotion, culture, thoughts.but they are mingled in homogenious mixture and proud to say as american.some nations are successful in mixing individual thoughts with individual. and nation. but many countries can not recognise it.

specially if you look at thirld world nation where individual and state thoughts are always conflicting. countries in asia, africa and latin america gives rise to extremism, confliction due to misunderstanding between individual and nation. in america also recent election of obama pinpoints differences between thoughts among ethnic groups but these are not conflicting.

on contrary if you look at nations like sweeden, norway, denmark where an uni race exist. their emotion, expection, lifestyle are just prototype to each other. they live in a secure zone of affluency and perhaps that hinders them to have variety of thoughts.

you will rarely find eminent social and political thinker, leaders, film makers. authors , poets(barring a few thats too long ago) from these countries.. on other hand israil you will find these two thoughts run unique bcoz of long struggling history of that nation.

in europe and australia possibly security and affluency give them to think with nation,but nations in south east asia, africa individual thoughts gives rise to terrorism