Wednesday, October 27, 2010

fate of soul

it was a gloomy mother passed away in hospital 3 months back.puzzled, exhaustedthe night passed like a nightmare , as if i am standing inside a storm wave. she was my every thing, my dearest one. her smile , her affectin was utmost to me. i concive this is the common emotion to all in this earth.
a thought came afterwards. what happens to these dead souls? science and different religions have vague and fractured opinion. according to our indian hindu religious belief the soul is immortal. it rebirts after having a suitable enviornment within an indefinite time circle.. dont have indepth knowledge about catholic view. para normal science deals with dead souls have some definite proof about souls existence. i have seen videos and t.v reality shows about para normal activities.they can feel speak, touch like us. can also recognise their affectionates.theosophical socities
also arrange planchet and have proof about soul. spirits admitted there has a similar world which we can not feel and see. i am eager wheather any one going through this page has similar para normal exp, planchet or connection about this "other world"

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